Monday, January 19, 2009


Hello, hello, hello! I am NOT dead and I did NOT give up. Had a bit of a hiatus over the weekend, but I am still hangin' in there!

As you can see from my headline, my weight numbers have remained steady. And let me just say that after my weekend, I am both surprised and grateful for that!! I got on the scale last Friday morning and I was at 216.5. I am up 1 and 1/2 from there, but I'll take it. It was a loooooong weekend and one that was full of temptation.

Started off at the Mall of America on Saturday. Tucci Benucch for lunch. Excellent Italian, and the smells! I was hungry when I got there and literally had to fight off the urge to eat the warm bread from the basket in front of me. I ordered minestrone soup, which turned out to be fabulous and filling.

Later that night we hit the Minnesota Wild hockey game, where I was captive in a room with some pretty tempting foods. I tried to fill up on veggies and some shrimp, but the rest of it looked too good. Ended up eating a hot dog without the bun and some ice cream. Not terrible, but not good either.

Woke up yesterday completely lacking motivation. I had anticipated going to the gym and spending extra time on the treadmill, but I couldn't get myself to do much of anything at all. And I ate too much! So here it is, Monday morning, I feel chubby and UNmotivated. My weight is the same as it has been for a week, and I am not in the mood for much of anything. Fortunately for me, I have an appointment at 5:30 with the folks at Let's Shake. They're hosting a Fitness Challenge and I agreed to participate. They'll weigh me and measure me and take one of those fat analysis readings. I am hoping that when I get out of there I will be ready to hit the gym. It's not optional, I know, but my mind is playing that game today. And I know I should have stayed off the scale today too, but there's that funny little addiction, rearing it's ugly little head!

Okay, so my goals today: get to the Fitness Challenge appointment. Get to the gym. Keep my eating at 1200 or less. Adjust my attitude. Easy right? Hahahaha. I'll let you know . . .

Have a terrific Monday! I'll be back.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there! Most of us have dropped off the New Year resolution band wagon by now. Like falling off a horse. You can walk away or get back on. You chose not only to get back on but you're going to show that son-of-a-bitch who is in charge here. YEA! For the Fitness Challenge.
    Keep shaking.
