Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I am pretty sure you can guess my mood today. I am so incredibly thrilled to be on what my body bug calls a "downward trend." It's been a crazy month, and I am happy to have held on for the ride and kept right on losing.

In case you didn't hear, Consumer Reports recently rated all of the top weight loss programs recently. Jenny Craig came out as number one. Since I am on the program, I am obviously not surprised. I have lost 20 pounds on it. I love it. And I tell everyone about it. I know it's not something everyone wants to try, and I know not everyone can afford it. But you don't have to buy their food. In fact, I don't believe you even have to sign up with Jenny Craig. To me, it's the accountability. That's what keeps me on the program. Having to get on that scale every week and show someone whether I have stayed on track is exactly what keeps me on track. So let me tell you, even if you aren't doing JC, you CAN find someone to weigh in with every week. You can find a "diet buddy" to work with and motivate you. It really helps if it's someone who wants to lose weight themselves. I know for certain that seeing my sister drop weight week after week is a TRUE motivator for me. I want to keep up.

I moved into a new house this month, had a holiday weekend, and I've had lots of "special occasion" nights. I have had a few tough days of overeating. But I have stayed pretty firmly committed. I DO NOT want to stay this weight. I am sick to DEATH of the size 16's and anything with a "w" on the end. Sick, sick, sick of it! I want to shop in stores that have size 14 and under and find something that fits me. I want to look and family pictures and not be the one that stands out because of my size. I want to see a picture where one of my thighs isn't the width of the next person's entire frame. This body has got to go!!!!! Enough already.

So in the weeks to come, I am going to stay challenged, stay on the program, stay strong. I can talk myself into anything. It's only my own mind that stops me.

So. There it is today. Another great day. And I hope to have more. And come back and tell you about it. So I'm off and running this morning. Have a fantastic day. God bless!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


That's right, folks. I lost another 4.4 pounds this week. I am beyond thrilled, as I am sure you can imagine. I can't hardly believe it, either. I had hoped to be down to a dead on 198, but almost died when the other number popped up. Yipppeeeee!!!!!!

The ONLY downside to losing so much so quickly is that I am in between jean sizes too. Jeans that I wore a month ago are hanging on me. Jeans that I WANT to wear are just a smidgen out of my range. But it will come, and I know it. I know I'm doing a program that works, I know I am more motivated than I have been in over a year and a 1/2, and I know I will succeed. I am looking ahead to December - and skin, skin, skinny! Yes I am. And I will be.

I have tons to do tonight, so I need to sign off early. I hope to get back on here before the weekend. I want to tell you about where the fat goes. You know, when you "lose it." Where does the fat actually go? Anybody know? Hmmm..... a thought to ponder.

Have a great Monday. Love and blessings ---

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Tools in My Tool Box

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Now that's what I'm talkin' about! Whoop-di-doo! I am absolutely thrilled to be out of "twoderville" and into "one-derland." Of course it's never as fast as I'd like it to be, but I am super happy. That's 1/2 pound shy of 15 pounds I have lost since I joined Jenny Craig in March. Yay me!!!!

I remember joining Nutrisystems about 6 or 7 years ago. The meals were shipped to me, and it just felt weird. On top of that, the meals were just mediocre, not great. The food at Jenny Craig is no short of outstanding. Oh sure, there are a couple of meals I haven't cared for, but as a rule I have loved all of it. And the snacks are fantastic. Little cakes, cheddar cheese popcorn, s'mores bars. . . good stuff.

I have considered what will happen when I switch to "real" food. But the truth is, I know what to do. I know what to avoid. I just don't always do that. Nor do I ever seem to want to. But I am learning. I eat out plenty, and have to choose what keeps me close to my calorie intake limit. I eat subway and salads and soups. I avoid heavy carbs like pasta and bread, as well as high fat foods like cheese and deep fried food. I HAVE the tools the make it all work, I just don't always take them out of my big fat tool box. I need to make that a priority and a habit, and stay on it. I have to CHOOSE. Every snack or meal is a choice. I choose the food, and I choose the portion size. My "tools" include my knowledge of the foods and my knowledge of what works for me. I know, for example, I eat at night. I prefer that to eating breakfast. At this point I do both, but my evening food has become the superb JC snack cakes (chocolate, strawberry or lemon).

So, this week I will continue to you choose what is best for success, and continue to pray for the will power, determination and drive to make those good choices. And today, I pray the same for you -- whether that's about food or other matters.

Have a marvelous week folks! Until next time . . .