Now I don't know if you read the comments on different days that I blog, but one from yesterday was really interesting. I was shocked to read it. And plenty irritated to boot. Here's the gist: I took a day off from exercising to let my muscles rest and repair because they were incredibly, unbelievably sore. My commenter indicated that generally water fills in and surrounds damaged or sore muscles in order to protect them from injury. Translation: a possible weight gain due to water weight. My response: No, no, no, no, no, no!!!! I need to avoid that scale like it's FAT itself that's going to seep into my body through my feet. I can't handle the disappointment of a gain. I JUST got to one-derland. I can't be jumping in and out like that. So I'm going to try and stay off the scale until Monday. Oh, and that makes water my newest fair-weather-friend.
Meanwhile, I got back in the pool tonight. Another thumbs up for water! It is tr

Tomorrow I'm headed to the skating rink again. I'm looking forward to that too. Works all different muscles. I just have to remember to mummify my feet, or I am going to be saying hello to Mr. and Mrs. Blister again. Haha. But it will kick off a very busy weekend. I have mixed feelings about it because while it will be a fun weekend, I will be going out for dinner twice. Never good. There's no place like home for eating right! :) So please say a little prayer for me.
And I'll say one for all of you. For whatever you're needing or wanting in your life today. And I'll try to check in before the weekend's over - if nothing else to maintain a little balance and accountablility. Until then, be safe and be happy. :)
ReplyDeleteLil' gal, lets talk about this. It is sort of like cease and DO NOT desist, if you understand what that play on words means. Cease food with the componets that might have salt and sugar. Do not desist the water. Water water every where - and you do need to drink it. When exercise causes any very little weigh gain, (and if you have stayed off the scale like a good girl, you should not even know if you have gained a teensy weensy bit of water weight) the control and power is always in your hands. Water attracts both salt and the components of refined foods. Drinking water as you have alluded to helps you. The 8 glasses helps to eliminmate any EXTRA water you may have absorbed, IF THERE EVEN IS ANY EXTRA WATER. But your choice of food over the week-end will will make an impressive impact on how you loose. Too much bread, salt, fast food, diet soda won't help. You mentioned you have two dinner engagements this week-end. Draw your courage from your previous dining out experinces. Be prepared - don't go hungry. And remember the prayer of St. Therese "May you trust that you are exactly where you are supposed to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others. May you use the gifts you receive and pass on the love that is given to you".
ReplyDeleteTo Anonymous number one: Please don't be sorry. I want to know these things, for better or worse. So THANK you for posting. It's GREAT information.
ReplyDeleteTo Anonymous number two: Good to know... and YES! I'm going to be prepared! Thank you!
I know a secret
ReplyDeleteyou might want to know;
It's how to lose weight,
and make the fat go.
If you want to lose weight
there are diets galore,
of lettuce and veggies
and carbohydrates no more.
You can exercise and sweat
`til you're blue in the face
your muscles all ache
it's a fattie's disgrace.
I'll share this small secret
of a diet I tout:
when you take a bite of food
if it tastes good...