Hello folks! So sorry to be so long getting back online. I am a little surprised and a little shocked too. I don't know why but I thought I was on here Wednesday. It's spring break around here so I have lost track of time and days. Everyday feels like Saturday this week.
It's been a busy week too. Honestly. So busy that I couldn't get to the gym on either Wednesday or today. I know I made a commitment, but I literally didn't have time on either day. I suppose I could get on now -- at 10:00 p.m. -- but I'm not going to do that. It would be a pathetic effort and I know it, so I might as well wait until tomorrow and go like gangbusters. I was able to do that earlier this week and was very happy with myself. I'll do it again tomorrow.
Today I had to hustle around the greater metropolitan area for a couple of meetings. I was so busy yesterday that I didn't plan and didn't bring along any healthy snacks. I started my day with a protein shake, snacked on a clementine orange later, but I was craving a hot hoagie sandwich. Since I hadn't had too much, I went ahead and ate one. Then I just counted calories the rest of the day. I have done well, and I DON"T want to go backwards. It is not worth it. Not at all.
My post today is as bland as melba toast, but I wanted to touch base and let you know that I'm doing good. I am constantly amazed at whatever unseen force is sustaining me -- aside from my commenters, that is!!! I am as motivated today as I was the first day I started this, and it surprises me every moment of every day. I keep waiting for a major melt down or some other crash, but it's been so long now that I am beginning to believe it might not be coming. Yay!!!
Alrighty -- I am fidgety and antsy and think I will try and relax a bit or I'll never sleep. And I need to sleep. Yawn. So I'm off. Take care, sleep well. I'll touch base again over the weekend!
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