Hello, hello! I'm finally able to grab a minute and post here. It's been busy but wonderful. I feel like I'm on another planet here in Florida. I left 2 feet of freshly-fallen snow and landed in green, palm tree-lined Orlando. As I write there are fireworks out against the night sky. Must be from Disneyworld. Crazy what a few hours in the air can change!
Well it has been a relatively easy transition from home to vacation in terms of both eating and exercise. I stayed with my sister in the Twin Cities overnight prior to flying out, and true to form she allowed me no vacation from exercise. The night I drove in, and then again the next morning, we headed out into 30 degree temps to walk. She's like my friend from home -- long legs. So I was huffing and puffing to keep up. But it was definitely worth it. We walked an hour both times out, and probably covered about 3.5 miles each time. Today, our first full day in Orlando, we walked around the lake in front of our vacation condo. Got in about 50 minutes worth. Probably 3 miles after twice around the lake. But tonight I am sore. My knees are pretty achy, so I'm going to say hello to some Aleve and see if that gives me some relief.
My diet has been pretty good too. Got in my protein shakes both yesterday AND today to kick things off. Soup, a banana and some low fat crackers got me through the flight yesterday. Then it was yogurt from Mickey D's and later a roast beef sammy on whole grain bread. Tough beans, though. Didn't get to eat until almost 1:00 in the morning because of flight delays, hotel check-in and then a grocery store run. The saving grace on this trip is that I get to work from a full, lovely kitchen for the next week. Stocked fridge and cupboards and we are good to go! There's even a toaster and a blender here. That means I won't be worried sick over constant temptation or extra calories. A few dinners out won't be too terrible. C'est bon (this is good). :)
So, all of the happy, happy aside, I can tell you I had a very HUNGRY day again today. I ended up eating about 1500 calories, and I'm still looking for a little something. As you know, I have those kind of hunger-spike days periodically. I seriously wish I knew how or why they come on so suddenly. Hoping tomorrow will be better. And I think I'll get on the treadmill or bike tomorrow in the super-fantabulous exercise room here. Not prepared to do water aerobics in the middle of a gazillion kids - so don't expect too much there! lol.
Alright - I'm off to bed. I am very tired. The heat and humidity today took me off guard. Sleep tight everyone. I'll get back on when I can. God Bless.
We..I have a few things to say.
ReplyDelete1) Phooey that your in Florida! I'm still in the snow.
2) Great job on the 195 weigh-in. Do you have a goal in mind to hit b4 CC?
3) I just dropped 4 lbs in my last weigh-in.
4) These kids and dogs are gonna help the weight loss this week HA!