I'm not at all sure that any day in my life is what others would call "ordinary." I get up, count calories, fret about exercise -- you know, the usual stuff. But it seems that something always happens to make my life saucy. And today was one of those. It began as an ordinary day. I got up and met a friend for a little figure skating. It was super!!! I seemed to get back alot of the balance I lacked last week. There may even have been a hint of, dare I say, "grace"? Well, all the grace that's possible for a 207 pound woman bounding around an ice rink anyway. But I wrapped my blister spots and loosened my laces a bit. 45 minutes and pretty decent sweat later, I was pretty pleased.
I headed home later for a well-deserved nap. Have I ever mentioned how much I love to take naps? To a fault, my friends. To a fault! Anyway, my day took a CRAZY turn around 3-ish. I got a call from a friend who asked if I would be the best man at his wedding. Yep, best man. Not because I'm as big as man. No, hahaha. But because the wedding was taking place at 7:00 tonight and, well, his guy friends were not available on such short notice. But he didn't care. Having me as a "best man" was the next best thing. And the officiating priest was none other than my friend Fr. Pablo Straub. My friend and his wife of 20 years had been married in a civil ceremony, but never in the church. The whole thing was fabulous! They took vows and received their blessing on the heels of one of Father's great homilies! Tt was pretty incredible!
And of course we got pictures of the whole thing. That would be the downside, however. I mean, even though I didn't have to stuff myself into a satiny and shiny bridesmaid's dress, the view of my backside on the altar was more than a little depressing. But at least now I have some new "incentive" pictures. Some people call pictures like that "thinspiration." I can't. The only thing "thin" about these pictures was my other friend pictured in them - the matron of honor. But don't worry! I'm good with this. I know it's coming off. I know it's not more than a few months or so away. And the pictures only cement my determination. So tomorrow, it's back to the ice rink. AND the gym. No more blisters. No more excuses.
And that's the scoop today. Oh! And I won't be getting on the scale tomorrow because I weighed in on Wednesday. Maybe I'll just hop on there every two or three days. Yea. Good plan.
So have a spectacular Friday all! I'll be back again soon. Until then, I thank God for His amazing grace. I pray that He'll continue to give us all a little swat with His heavenly staff when we need it. Baaaahhhh! God Bless ya!!!
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