Saturday, January 3, 2009


Hurray for me! Down two pounds and I hardly did a thing to deserve it. But today starts the real work.

I have decided that I want to handle the food part of this diet, at least initially, with one fairly decent meal and two protein supplement meals -- probably liquid. I know, I know. It isn't the healthy way to do it. But I think that's how it needs to be for at least three days. I need to get my appetite under control without starving myself. So here's the plan: Two servings of fruit, at least one veggie serving, two protein shakes and one low-cal, low fat meal. We'll see how it goes.

As for exercise, today I start walking. I have set a goal for two miles. I have not set a goal for mph or time. However, if I am going to try and stay on the treadmill for one hour. I'm a little worried I will get bored, so I'll have to figure that one out.

My colon cleanse seems to be having some effect. I had a lot of cramping this morning, which I remember from the last time I did it. My natural tea was steeped a bit too long last night, making it strong, so I will back off a bit on that.

That's the plan for today. I'm off to take children snowboarding. The snow is coming down yet again. I love a Minnesota winter with snow. That's how it's suppose to be.

1 comment:

  1. "I can be wretched and spoiled and nasty and UNfaithful, and He just hangs in there and keeps on giving. And He gives when I least expect it and when I least deserve it." Love the comment. And you do deserve it - you have worked hard. Enjoy the rewards. Also remember the reverse.
    Woody's mom
