That's what it is. A new motto. It's a good one too. Every time I read it I am inspired. I saw it first on the wall of the gym on the Biggest Loser television show (I know, I know. I obsess about that show). But I read it on the show and I have tried to keep it in my mind. It slips away far too easy. So, I printed out a bunch of signs and hung them all over the place in my world. A reminder. And so far, it's been good. Although so far, its only been a day. lol.
I am struggling, and I am sure you know. I just can't get myself where I was. I want it bad, but apparently something in my psyche doesn't want it bad enough. I still have Valentine's Day as my goal, but I am having a hard time.
I got back on the ice last week. That was wonderful! I love, love, love skating. And my muscles hurt the next day. So I have to get back and keep doing that. I was hoping to get in a little more walking outside before jump starting the winter activities. The weather here in God's country has been totally uncooperative. Rain, rain and more rain Then there was a little snow. And more rain. So that plan may or may not pan out -- we shall see.
So that's what I have for you today. It's up and down and up and down. A lot like my moods these days I'm afraid. Victory on my journey definitely fosters a cheery disposition! Anyway, I going to get up every day and try again. Try until I do what this sign says. I promised you and I promised me. So there. I stayed off the scale after a weekend of indulgences. I have had a great day, so I will get back on again tomorrow. Not sure what I will see. The last number we had was 192, remember. Not pretty. So I will let you know.
Okay - you all have a great day. It's nice being back here. It feels like home. *smile*